| Adult Piano Method 1 takes an all-in-one approach by combining lessons, solos, technique and theory. Includes richly orchestrated accomopaniments on the included CD. | $16.99 |
 | Adult Piano Method 2: Great solos emphasize and support new concepts in a logical, steady sequence culminating with great arrangements of "The Entertainer" and "Für Elise". Covers Improvs, Quick Licks, Ad Libs, Sight Reading, and Technique. W/CD! | $16.99 |
 | Archive B10S-48 music manuscript paper in a wire Spiral-Bound Book w/10 Staves per 9" x 12" page; 48 balanced pH paper pages as used by the Library of Congress; sturdy leathertone covers | $4.99 |
 | Archive B12S-48 music manuscript paper in a wire Spiral-Bound Book w/12 Staves per 9" x 12" page; 48 balanced pH paper pages as used by the Library of Congress; sturdy leathertone covers | $4.99 |
 | Archive B12S-48ST music manuscript paper Stitch-Bound Book w/12 Staves per 9" x 12" page; 48 balanced pH paper pages as used by the Library of Congress; sturdy leathertone covers | $4.99 |
 | Archives D12S Double-Folded, 12 Stave, Manuscript Paper Sheets: 12 1/2" by 19", printed both sides on 28 lb egg shell smooth ledger stock and folded to 9 1/2" x 12 1/2"; Packed 24 sheets per pack | $5.99 |
 | Archive GTAB-48ST Guitar Tab manuscript paper in a Staple-Stiched Book w/10 Blank Chord Diagrams across the top of each page and 5 staves per page combining standard and TAB notations; 48 balanced pH pgs; sturdy leathertone covers | $5.99 |
 | Archives LL12S 12 Stave, 8-1/2" x 11" Manuscript Looseleaf Sheets. 3 hole punched; 50 sheet Pack; Printed on both sides; pH Balanced Paper for Maximum Life; 24 lb egg shell ledger stock. | $4.99 |
 | Archives LL8S 8 Stave, 8-1/2" x 11" Manuscript Looseleaf Sheets. 3 hole punched; 50 sheet Pack; Printed on both sides; pH Balanced Paper for Maximum Life; 24 lb egg shell ledger stock. | $4.99 |
 | Archives SL12S Archives 12 Stave, 50 Sheet Manuscript Pad, printed on one side only. Uutilizes the same type of balanced pH paper used by the Library of Congress | $4.99 |
 | Archives SL8S Archives 8 Stave, 50 Sheet Manuscript Pad, printed on one side only. Uutilizes the same type of balanced pH paper used by the Library of Congress | $4.99 |
 | ARRANGING FOR LARGE JAZZ ENSEMBLE! Create arrangements with texture and style with this complete guide to arranging for large horn sections! The information about horn harmony and arranging can be used for any style, from hip-hop to ska. | $39.95 |
 | BEBOP JAZZ PIANO! Provides detailed information for bebop and jazz pianists on: chords and voicings, harmony and chord progressions, scales and tonality, common melodic figures and patterns, comping, characteristic tunes and more. With CD! | $17.95 |
 | Bela Fleck Teaches Banjo Picking Styles w/DVD! Covers bluegrass, single-string style, harmonics, blues improvisations, Celtic sounds and lots more in fascinating arrangements of: Texas Bar-B-Que; Natural Bridge Suite; Brilliancy; John Henry and more! | $29.95 |
 | THE BEST OF DJANGO REINHARDT! A Step-by-Step Breakdown of the Guitar Styles and Techniques of a Jazz Giant! This book/CD pack explores 16 of his signature tunes! The CD includes full demos of each. | $22.95 |
 | Blues Guitar From Scratch - Skeptical Guitarist Publications: Blues accompaniment (comping); Minor Pentatonic Scale in blues lead playing; Box Patterns; Major Pentatonic scale use & practice; Slide guitar technique in Standard & Open Tunings. | $16.50 |
 | Carcassi Classical Guitar Method, Op. 59 & 25 Melodious & Progressive Studies Book/CD. A modern update to a revered guitar method. Edited and revamped classic Carcassi guitar method for use by today's guitar student. | $24.95 |
 | Features an informative intro, playing in first, second and third positions, note bending, trills, back up accompaniment and playing minor blues, diatonic and chromatic harmonicas. A booklet with musical examples transcribed is included! | $14.95 |
 | Chuck Leavell has recorded with Eric Clapton, The Stones, George Harrison, Blues Traveler and others. This instructional DVD covers stretching, finger exercises, octaves, scales useful for playing blues, gospel and boogie woogie piano. 125 minutes. | $39.95 |
 | THE COMPLETE BLUEGRASS BANJO METHOD Book & CD Package - TAB! With this comprehensive method, you get 25 songs in standard notation and tab, a CD with 77 examples, and detailed info from banjo master Fred Sokolow on a host of other topics. | $17.95 |
 | THE BEST OF DJANGO REINHARDT! A Step-by-Step Breakdown of the Guitar Styles and Techniques of a Jazz Giant! Book & CD Package - TAB! Explore the groundbreaking style of one of the most unique and influential guitarists in jazz! | $22.95 |
 | DR. JOHN TEACHES NEW ORLEANS PIANO - VOLUME 1! Dr. John, a veritable encyclopedia of music and lore, immerses you in all aspects of New Orleans boogie and blues piano will help you acquire essential licks, runs, turnarounds, rhythms and techniques. W/ CD! | $19.95 |
 | DR. JOHN TEACHES NEW ORLEANS PIANO - VOLUME 2! Volume II teaches the piano student how to build a blues repertoire. Classic blues patterns and a myriad of embellishments are included. With CD! | $19.95 |
 | DR. JOHN TEACHES NEW ORLEANS PIANO - VOLUME 3! Dr. John's gospel piano session explores the church-based rhythms and harmonies that helped give birth to the blues. This session includes an encyclopedic survey of the contributions legendary bluesmen. | $19.95 |
 | EARL SCRUGGS AND THE 5-STRING BANJO! Book & CD Package! The best-selling banjo method in the world! Earl Scruggs's legendary method has helped thousands of banjo players get their start! | $34.99 |
 | ESSENTIAL ACOUSTIC GUITAR LESSONS!14 In-Depth Lessons for Players of All Levels! This book/CD pack offers a superb selection of lessons and songs for the acoustic guitar, expertly played by teachers on the accompanying CD. | $19.95 |
 | FastTrack Harmonica Method w/CD - Book 1 for "C" Diatonic Harmonica. Teaches music notation; chords and single notes; riffs, licks and scales; syncopation; rock and blues styles. CD includes over 70 songs and examples. | $7.99 |
 | Fingerstyle Guitar From Scratch - Skeptical Guitarist Pubs: Illustrates Arpeggio Style (picking individual notes of chords) and the Travis Style (alternating bass) forms with a smattering of classical technique to form good habits. | $16.50 |
 | THE GUITAR CHORD SHAPES OF CHARLIE CHRISTIAN The concepts and fingerings in this book have been developed by analyzing the licks used by Charlie Christian! Many examples are shown and played on the included CD! | $19.95 |
 | Guitar From Scratch - The Sequel! In Guitar From Scratch: The Sequel, you'll find a general progression from chord-based information to single-string playing, culminating in a crash course in reading actual notes on the guitar! | $16.50 |
 | Guitar From Scratch: This book is all about CHORDS. For now, forget about reading music, playing single-note leads and music theory. Focus on the mechanics of PLAYING CHORDS, which is the single most important function of the guitar! | $16.50 |
 | The Bass Grimoire by Adam Kadmon. Uses concise graphic diagrams for a well-rounded understanding of scales. Exceptional Beginner foundation theory or for the intermediate to advanced player who knows how to play chords but never knew how they were built. | $20.95 |
 | The Guitar Grimoire - Chords and Voicings Book. Every chord of every key and mode with thousands of diagrams and guitar charts. includes polychords, chord substitutions, inversions and movable voicings. | $22.95 |
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 | The Guitar Grimoire -æThe Exercise Book for Guitar by Adam Kadmon. The most extensive, exhaustive compendium of exercises for guitar ever published. Features Pattern, 3-note coil, 4-note coil, Major-scale, Minor-pentatonic and Chord-run exercises. | $28.95 |
 | The Guitar Grimoire - The Fingerpicking Book by Adam Kadmon. With chord patterns, major & minor scale patterns and ostinato bass variations. Uses Thousands of charts, diagrams, and musical examples. | $23.95 |
 | The Guitar Grimoire: A Notated Intervallic Study Of Scales: Builds on the "Scales & Modes" Volume to ease the reader into reading music! | $24.95 |
 | The Guitar Grimoire - Progressions and Improvisations Book by Adam Kadmon. The most exhaustive compendium of chord progressions ever published. w/hundreds of guitar exercises, thousands of chord and scale fretboard diagrams, plus notation. | $29.95 |
 | The Guitar Grimoire Rhythm Guitar Book (GT104) by Adam Kadmon with theory for Rhythm; Intervals; Chord riffs; Strumming patterns; Progressions; Fingerpicking and more ... | $19.95 |
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 | GUITAR HANON! Teaches beginning to professional guitarists 51 exercises, covering: diatonic and chromatic scales; major, minor, dominant and half-diminished seventh arpeggios; whole tones; diminished arpeggios; and more. | $9.95 |
 | Guitar Reference Guide - Appregios allows you to find any appregio quickly and with ease. No music reading is required, as each appregio is shown in diagram form. Presents every Appregio type with numerous fingering options! | $14.95 |
 | Hal Leonard Acoustic Guitar Method: Uses real songs to teach acoustic basics including strumming, fingerpicking, open tunings, rock, blues, folk, country and bluegrass styles. Songs inc Angie, Behind Blue Eyes, Here Comes The Sun, Jack & Diane, Yesterday. | $16.95 |
 | Hal Leonard Guitar Method Book 1 w/CD. Newly revised! The 2nd edition w/easy-to-follow format that gives a solid music education while plaing songs right away. | $10.99 |
 | Hal Leonard Guitar Method Book 2 w/CD Pack. Covers: Am, Dm, A, E, F and B7 chords; power chords; fingerstyle guitar; syncopations, dotted rhythms, and triplets; Carter style solos; bass runs; pentatonic scales; improvising; tablature. W/92 great songs. | $9.99 |
 | Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Method 1: Learn single notes with riffs like "Day Tripper" and "Crazy Train", power chords with classics by AC/DC and the Who, strumming with songs from Neil Young and Nirvana and more. CD with demos of every example | $12.99 |
 | Hal Leonard Rock Guitar Method w/CD: Step-by-step lessons for 70 great rock songs. Teaches power chords, riffs, scales, licks, bends, vibrato, hammer-ons, pull-offs, and slide in the styles of Eric Clapton, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and more. | $12.95 |
 | Learn to play chords on the ukulele with this comprehensive, yet easy-to-use book. The Ukulele Chord Finder contains more than a thousand chord diagrams for the most important 28 chord types, including three voicings for each chord! | $6.95 |
 | HAMMOND ORGAN COMPLETE - Tunes, Tones and Techniques for Drawbar! This hands-on guide takes you step-by-step through the techniques of playing the drawbar organ, one skill at a time. Accompanying CD includes 21 exercises and more! | $24.95 |
 | Hanon - Virtuoso Pianist in 60 Exercises - Complete: Schirmer's Library of Musical Classics. 60 progressive exercises which guide a player's technique, building finger independence and strength. The standard in Piano exercise books. | $6.99 |
 | The Harmony of Bill Evans by Jack Reilly: A compilation of articles featuring extensive analysis of Evans' work, including: B Minor Waltz; Funny Man; How Deep Is the Ocean; I Fall in Love Too Easily; I Should Care; Peri's Scope; Time Remembered & more | $17.95 |
 | How to Play the 5-String Banjo, 3rd Ed. by Pete Seeger: Includes melody line, lyrics and banjo accompaniment and solos notated in standard form & tab. Covers Basic strums, the fifth string, hammer ons, pull offs, double thumbing, more. | $16.95 |
 | How to Play the 5-String Banjo, 3rd Ed. by Pete Seeger: Includes melody line, lyrics and banjo accompaniment and solos notated in standard form & tab. Covers Basic strums, the fifth string, hammer ons, pull offs, double thumbing, more. With DVD! | $39.95 |
 | Hrimaly - Scale Studies for Violin, Violin Method - Composer: Johann (Jan) Hrimal. For unaccompanied violin. | $4.95 |
 | INCREDIBLE CHORD FINDER - 9 IN X 12 IN! A complete guide diagramming over 1,000 guitar chords in their most common voicings. The book is arranged chromatically and each chord is illustrated in three ways for three levels of difficulty! | $6.95 |
 | Jazz for the Skeptical Guitarist - Skeptical Guitarist Publications: Structure of jazz chords; Rhythm Changes; Substitutions; Alterations; Extensions; Voice Leading; Chord Analysis; Modes and how they can help you to improvise jazz solos. | $16.50 |
 | JAZZ HANON - This one-on-one lesson with Musicians Institute instructor Peter Deneff features 50 exercises for the beginning to professional jazz pianist! | $13.95 |
 | JAZZ PHRASING-A Workshop for the Jazz Vocalist! Book & CD Package! Covers: Specific Rhythm Phrasing - interpreting 8th notes, specific rhythm figures; Open Phrasing - exploring tempos and styles, working with ballads; Tips on Performance and more! | $16.95 |
 | JAZZ PIANO FROM SCRATCH! - A complete step-by-step guide to playing jazz with confidence and style. It breaks down the process into simple yet fun activities, with many musical examples to illustrate the points made. With accompanying CD. | $24.95 |
 | Jazz Piano Level 1: Five levels of graded pieces contain a wealth of jazz repertoire! 15 pieces, including well known standards; aural tests and quick studies; scales and appregios; includes a CD with minus one practice Tracks! | $12.95 |
 | Jazz Piano Level 2: Five levels of graded pieces contain a wealth of jazz repertoire! 15 pieces, including well known standards; aural tests and quick studies; scales and appregios; includes a CD with minus one practice Tracks! | $12.95 |
 | Jazz Piano Level 3: Five levels of graded pieces contain a wealth of jazz repertoire! 15 pieces, including well known standards; aural tests and quick studies; scales and appregios; includes a CD with minus one practice Tracks! | $12.95 |
 | Jazz Piano Level 4: Five levels of graded pieces contain a wealth of jazz repertoire! 15 pieces, including well known standards; aural tests and quick studies; scales and appregios; includes a CD with minus one practice Tracks! | $12.95 |
 | Jazz Piano Level 5: Five levels of graded pieces contain a wealth of jazz repertoire! 15 pieces, including well known standards; aural tests and quick studies; scales and appregios; includes a CD with minus one practice Tracks! | $12.95 |
 | LAP STEEL GUITAR! The first-ever comprehensive book about lap-steel and console steel guitars. Includes: interviews and profiles of more than 35 steel guitarists, resources for guitars, amplifiers, steel guitar tunings; and much more. | $35.00 |
 | MANDOLIN SCALE FINDER! Easy-to-Use Guide to Over 1,300 Mandolin Chords 9 in x 12 in. Presents scale diagrams for the most often-used scales and modes in an orderly and easily accessible fashion. Reference guide or foundation. | $6.95 |
 | Berklee Press, A Modern Method For Guitar, Volume 1: Teaches scales, melodic, chord and appregio studies, how to read music, accompaniment techniques, exercises for two hand technique and voice leading using moveable chord forms! | $14.95 |
 | Berklee Press, A Modern Method For Guitar, Volume 2: Builds upon the studies in Volume 1 covering the entire fingerboard and also addresses intervals, chord voicings, improvisation, rhythm guitar techniques, play-along duets! | $14.95 |
 | Berklee Press, A Modern Method For Guitar, Vol 3: A continuation of topics from Vols 1 & 2! Includes advanced techniques relating to scales, apreggios, rhythm guitar, chord/scale relationships, chord construction/voicings and advanced playing techniques! | $14.95 |
 | Musical Principals for the Skeptical Guitarist Vol 1 - The Big Picture! A Clear and Relaxed Introduction to Music Theory! | $24.95 |
 | Music Principals for the Skeptical Guitarist Vol 2 - The Fretboard! Chord Qualities and chord and scale positions around the neck! | $24.95 |
 | Piano Essentials - Scales, Chords, Arpeggios, and Cadences for the Contemporary Pianist w/CD: Develops Sight-reading skills; memorizing new material in less time; Scales; Chords; Arpeggios; Cadences; Tone; Dynamic Range; Sense of rhythm and more. | $24.99 |
 | THE PIANO HANDBOOK-A Complete Guide for Mastering Piano! Book & CD Package! With clear and easy-to-understand exercises, The Piano Handbook is perfect for anyone interested in learning the piano or improving their skills. | $29.95 |
 | PICTURE CHORD POCKET GUIDE-Photos & Diagrams for Over 900 Guitar Chords! Conveniently sized to fit in your guitar case, this handy reference provides easy-to-see photos and easy-to-read chord grids for more than 900 guitar chords! | $12.95 |
 | The Practical Jazz Guitarist - Essential Tools for Soloing, Comping and Performing: theory, technique, and conceptual framework for how to play jazz: comping chords, soloing, and playing with expression, facility, and good hand health. W/CD | $19.99 |
 | How to Play from a Real Book: Teaches form and harmonic structure; inserting intros, interpreting melodies, improvising on changes, constructing bass lines, chord voicings and substitutions and much more within a theory-based approach. | $17.50 |
 | The Real Book Staff Paper! Designed to allow plenty of room for notes, ledger lines, text, and other musical notation. Perforated sheets with 3-hole punches for loose-feaf binder use and nine staves per page. 400 8.5" x 11" pages in all! | $9.95 |
 | REHARMONIZATION TECHNIQUES - Berklee Methods! Reharmonization techniques covered include: simple substitution, diatonic approach, adding dominant and subdominant chords, harmonic displacement, modal interchange, and others. | $29.95 |
 | ROCK HANON-70 Exercises for the Beginning to Professional Pianist. This volume for rock keyboardists features 70 essential exercises in a variety of styles: classic rock, pop, progressive rock, rockabilly and more, all based on the Hanon studies. | $12.95 |
 | RUDIMENT GROOVES FOR DRUM SET Book/CD Package! This book shows you how to apply a basic vocabulary of rhythms that drummers arrange and rearrange when they play grooves, solos and fills to the drum set in all styles of music. | $19.95 |
 | RUDIMENTAL WARMUPS! Skill Strengthening Exercises for All Drummers! Book/CD Package! Provides drum exercises and variations based on the 40 contemporary drum rudiments. The CD features demo and play-along tracks. | $17.95 |
 | SALSA HANON-50 Essential Exercises for Latin Piano! Intended as a sequel to Hanon's 'The Virtuoso Pianist'. It is perfect for either the beginner of the professional and can even benefit pianists of other genres such as jazz or classical. | $12.95 |
 | Travis-Style Guitar From Scratch - Skeptical Guitarist Publications. Steady basslines coexisting with independent melody and harmony lines. A gradual method that uses popular songs arranged in progressive levels of complexity to master the Travis style. | $16.50 |
 | Ukulele From Scratch - Skeptical Guitarist Publication: Tuning; Strumming; Familiar song examples; You Tube Referrals; Fingerpicking (including Travis-picking); 12-bar blues; Cool chords around the neck; Useful scales; Minor Keys explained and more. | $16.50 |
 | Suzuki Violin School Violin Part, Vol 1. Revised edition w/New engravings; 9" x 12" format; New editing of pieces, including bowings and fingerings; 16 additional pages; Additional exercises; Glossary of terms; Musical notation guide; Fingerboard position | $7.99 |
 | Watch and Learn Banjo Primer Book w/CD by Geoff Hohwald. Clearly illustrated with over 40 photographs, Includes basic rolls, exciting & easy to play song arrangements, and up the neck breaks. | $14.95 |
 | Watch and Learn Introduction to Banjo DVD by Geoff Hohwald covers the material presented in the Banjo Primer book. This course is designed to take the raw beginner through all the necessary steps to learn how to play Scruggs style 5 string banjo. | $14.95 |
 | Watch & Learn Guitarist's Tablature Book. W/large tablature & chord diagrams, reference materials such as common chords and scales, lesson logs, and manuscript paper; perforated pages and the book lays flat for writing. | $5.95 |
 | Watch and Learn Ukulele Primer Book with DVD by Bert Casey is designed to help the beginner learn how to play the ukulele. This course can be used with a Soprano, Concert, or Tenor ukulele. | $14.95 |